
You can adjust the sharpness in a photo in the detail section. The sharpness is applied to edges in a photo to enhance photo detail, where possible.


You can use the Magnifier to get a better view of the applied sharpness on a particular area of the photo. To change the area that is magnified, just click in the Magnifier and then drag your mouse to change the area of focus.

Photo Director mag142 Detail

If the area you want to magnify is in a completely different area of the photo, it is faster to change the area of focus in the Magnifier by clicking on Photo Director magbut43 Detail . Then click on the area of the photo you want to magnify.

Adjusting Sharpness

To adjust the sharpness in the photo, use the available sliders as follows:

  • Amount: use this slider to adjust the amount of sharpness applied to the photo.
  • Radius: use the slider to adjust the radius or range of sharpness applied to edges in the photo.
Photo Director note Detail

Note: to see the radius mask, ensure that Show affected areas is selected. When enabled, dragging the slider lets you see the applied range of sharpness.

  • Edge mask: use the slider to apply a mask over on the detected edges in the photo. Once a mask is applied, CyberLink PhotoDirector only applies the sharpness to the masked areas, leaving the surrounded areas untouched.
Photo Director note Detail

Note: to see the edge mask, ensure that Show affected areas is selected. When enabled, dragging the slider lets you see the detected edges in the photo.

Noise Reduction

Applying sharpness and other adjustments to photos may result in some image noise appearing on them. Use the following sliders to reduce the noise as required:

  • Luminance: use this slider to slightly adjust the color brightness, by reducing any unwanted light grey spots in a photo that cause luminance noise.
  • Detail: use this slider to adjust/recover detail in the photo that may be lost when reducing luminance noise from a photo.
  • Color: use this slider to slightly adjust the overall color saturation, by reducing any unwanted color spots in a photo that cause color noise.
  • Detail: use this slider to adjust/recover detail in the photo that may be lost when reducing color noise from a photo.
