White Balance

Use white balance for color correction or you can use it to adjust the color temperature of a photo to create a specific atmosphere. A warmer color shifts light toward the yellows and reds; a colder color shifts light toward the blues and greens.

To adjust the atmosphere of a photo using white balance, do this:

  1. Drag the Temperature slider to adjust the color temperature in the photo. A negative value applies a colder temperature, while a positive value applies an atmosphere that is warmer.
  2. Drag the Tint slider to adjust the color level of in the photo.

To use white balance to color correct a photo, do one of the following:

  • click Photo Director wbeyed36 White Balance and then use the eye dropper to select a pixel in the photo that you believe should be grey.
    Photo Director wbeyed16 White Balance

    CyberLink PhotoDirector auto corrects the color in the photo.

  • select Auto in the drop-down to have CyberLink PhotoDirector auto adjust white balance and correct the color for you.
    Photo Director autowb35 White Balance
Photo Director note White Balance

Note: to reset the white balance back to the original color values, select As Shot in the drop-down.

White Balance on RAW Photos

When adjusting the white balance on camera RAW photo formats, there are several white balance presets available.

Photo Director wbonraw White Balance

Select a preset from the list to have CyberLink PhotoDirector auto adjust the white balance for you.

White Balance