Apply During Import

CyberLink PhotoDirector can apply adjustment presets to photos during the import process. You can also begin organizing your photos by adding copyright information and keyword tags as they are imported.

Photo Director note Apply During Import

Note: if you cannot find the Apply During Import section of the Photo Import window, click Photo Director showbut5 Apply During Import on the right edge of the window to display it.

  • Apply preset: select to apply the adjustment preset you select from the drop-down to all of the photos during import. See Using Adjustment Presets for information on creating adjustment presets.
  • Copyright: in the field provided, enter in the copyright text you would like to embed in each photo. The copyright information can be viewed and edited later on the Metadata tab in the library panel.
  • Tags: in the field provided, enter in the keyword tags you want to apply to each photo, separated by a semi colon.

Apply During Import