Sharing Slideshow Videos on YouTube

You can share a slideshow by uploading it to YouTube. During the upload process, CyberLink PhotoDirector first produces it as a high quality video suitable for YouTube.

To share a slideshow video on YouTube, do this:

  1. Once you are done creating your slideshow, click Share.
  2. Enter your YouTube account Username and Password, and then click Sign In to continue. If you need to create a YouTube account, click the Get an account link.
Photo Director note Sharing Slideshow Videos on YouTube

Note: select the Remember me check box if you want CyberLink PhotoDirector to save your username and password so you won’t have to enter them next time, and skip automatically to the next window.

  1. In the next upload window, select the Quality of the produced video, and then specify where the produced file is stored on our computer. Click Next to continue.
Photo Director note Sharing Slideshow Videos on YouTube

Note: select Remove output file after upload if you want CyberLink PhotoDirector to delete the produced slideshow video file from your computer after it is uploaded to YouTube.

  1. In the next wizard window, enter the details about your video as follows:
    • Title: enter the title of your slideshow video.
    • Description: enter in a short description of your slideshow video.
    • Tags: enter in several tags, separated by a comma, that describe your video. Tags are keywords that people can search for on YouTube.
Photo Director note Sharing Slideshow Videos on YouTube

Note: you must enter a title, description, and at least one tag before you can upload your video.

  • Category: select the relevant video category type from the available list.
  • select whether to share your video with the world (Public) or set it as Private.
Photo Director note Sharing Slideshow Videos on YouTube

Note: select the Share this video on DirectorZone option if you want to share the slideshow video on DirectorZone as well.

  1. Click Next to continue to the copyright and disclaimer window. Verify that your media is not copyrighted and then click Next to begin the upload process.
  2. Once the upload process is done, click on Close to close the wizard window and return to CyberLink PhotoDirector.

Sharing Slideshow Videos on YouTube